道口烧鸡是河南省安阳市滑县道口镇“义兴张”世家烧鸡店所制,是我国著名的特产。由河南省民间文化杰出传承人、省特级烧鸡技师张中海先生的先祖张炳始创于清朝顺治十八年(1661年),至今已有近三百五十年的历史,开始制作不得法,生意并不兴隆,后从清宫御膳房的御厨那里求得制作烧鸡秘方,做出的鸡果然香美。道口烧鸡的制作技艺历代相传,形成自己的独特风格。1981年被商业部评为全国名特优产品。 道口烧鸡与北京烤鸭、金华火腿齐名,被誉为“天下第一鸡”。用多种名贵中药,辅之陈年老汤 ,其成品烧鸡色泽鲜艳,形如元宝,口衔瑞蚨。极具食疗和保健功能。豫北滑县道口镇,素有"烧鸡之乡"的称号。"义兴张"的道口烧鸡,象金华火腿、高邮鸭蛋、北京烤鸭一样,在全国食品中独占鳌头,并且誉满神州,名扬海外。
道口烧鸡创始于清顺治十八年(公元1661年)距今已有三百多年的历史,据《浚县志》及《滑县志》记载,在开始的一百多年时间里,由于技术条件差,尚未具特色,生意并不兴隆。到乾隆五十二年(公元1787年)现在的烧鸡大师张中海的先祖张炳,偶遇清宫御膳房御厨老友刘义,他在道口镇大集街开了个小烧鸡店,因制作不得法,生意萧条。有一天一位曾在清宫御膳房当过御厨的老朋友来访,他身怀绝技。两人久别重逢,对饮畅谈。张炳向他求教,那朋友便告诉他一个秘方: “要想烧鸡香,八料加老汤。”八料就是陈皮、肉桂、豆蔻、良姜、丁香、砂仁、草果和白芷八种佐料;老汤就是煮鸡的陈汤。每煮一锅鸡,必须加上头锅的老汤,如此沿袭,越老越好。张炳如法炮制,做出的鸡果然香。从此,营业兴旺,张炳把他的烧鸡店定名为“义兴张”,寓意“友义兴张”。
就拿香味浓郁这一点来说,道口烧鸡需要用陈皮、肉桂、豆营、白芷、丁香、草果、砂仁和良姜八味佐料,缺一不可。 酥香软烂是道口最受人欢迎的原因之一,光是煮鸡这一道程序,就需要花上3至5个小时,再加上火候的调整,制作技术要求很高。
Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style
Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style is a famous specialty which is made by Yixingzhang chicken shop in Daokou town, Anyang, Henan province. It’s created by Zhang Bing, the ancestor of Zhang Zhonghai who is the inheritor of Henan’s folk culture and provincial roast chicken cook, in as early as 18th year of Shunzhi period of Qing Dynasty, dating back nearly 350 years ago. Zhang made roast chickens not very well in the beginning until he got a secret recipe form an imperial cook. From then on, his posterities handed down this skill and advanced it gradually so that nowadays the chicken has their unique style. In 1981, Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style had been prized national quality products. Besides, it earns equal reputation with Peking Roast Duck and Jinhua Ham, praised as the No. 1 chicken. Using many expensive traditional Chinese medicines and combining with nourishing original soup endows it bright color as well as diet therapy and health care functions. Daokou town is always called the Hometown of Roast Chicken, as the most famous one, Yixingzhang roast chicken stands at the top of all kinds of food.
Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style is highly popular for its fragrant smell, soft and moderate flavor, fat but not greasy taste. It has very high standards for choosing materials and cooking processes.
Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style was created in as early as 18th year of Shunzhi period of Qing Dynasty, dating back nearly 350 years ago. According to the documents Junxian Record and Huaxian Record, this kind of roast chicken was unknown for bad taste until the 52nd year of Qianlong period, when the creator Zhang Bing met with his old friend, Liu Yi, who was a cook in Imperial Palace and told Zhang the secret recipe: use original soup including 8 kinds of seasoning. The seasonings are dried tangerine or orange peel, cinnamon, cardamun, ginger, clove, fructus amomi, amomum tsao-ko, angelica root. Zhang followed this way and boomed his restaurant and then he changed the name as Yixingzhang meaning Liu Yi flourished Zhang Bing. From then on, Zhang tried again and again and finally created more unique roast chickens in shape as well as flavor, whose bright color, tempting smell, dainty flavor and soft meet quality were called the four unique features. In Jiaqing period of Qing Dynasty, Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style became a tribute out of the Emperorr’s high praise. However, it also suffered many hardships until the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. From 1970s, many foreign higher officials like prime minister of Canada and Denmark, president of Zambia, etc, all gave a high praise to this carbonado. In 1955, Zhang Changgui overted the recipe of Red-cooked Chicken Daokou Style, which made the yield increased quickly and stimulated the chicken sold to as far as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Xianggang
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