安阳“三熏”制作工艺讲究,选料认真严格,配料严谨科学,工艺精致细微,火候掌握适中,所以成品色呈柿红,油润闪亮,肥而不腻,松香浓郁,入口脆烂,回味绵长。不管热食凉吃,佐酒下饭,都是风味独特的佳肴。放进容器内,六天七天,色味不变,干净卫生,香味纯正,适宜于远行旅游携带,曾多次荣获“优秀食品” 称号。
Anyang Three Smoked Food
Three Smoked Food is extremely loved by Nanyang indigenes. In 1910, a family of Shao in Anyang created a cooking skill containing smoked chicken, smoked eggs and smoked pork offals. The nephew of Shao, Mr. Yan, was a clever boy who studied from his master and added a new dish—smoked rabbit. Later, he inherited the property of Shao and improved them into a series of snacks, among which the Three Smoked are still the main dishes.
Anyang three smoked food needs dainty making skill, delicate materials and condiments and moderate degree of fire to make sure it red, fragrant, messy and not greasy. Fried or cold mixed, it will always be a delicacy with special flavor. It can be kept for as most 7 days in containers without getting bad, which makes it convenient to carry when we are traveling. For these qualities, it has been rewarded the honor of Excellent Food for many times.