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2012/8/2 9:49:06 点击数: 【字体:




Wenfengta Superior Soy Sauce

    Wenfengta Superior Soy Sauce is quality goods made by Anyang Brew Factory, which enjoys equal popularity with Zhangde Mature Vinegar and is popular with the masses for its high quality and nice flavor. It is created in Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty by century-old shop Jintai Sauce and Pickle Shop which has a long history and is famous for its unique-flavor fruit products, sauce products, condiments and other products. 
    Brewing soy sauce needs complicated making technique and difficult skills. In the past it was made by hand so that the yield was very small. After 1956, some new technology and equipments were added into traditional technique, thus there produced a new series of scientific and efficient brewing technique gradually which made sure its high yield. Soy sauce made in this new technique not only preserves original flavor features but also becomes more scientific in physicochemical components. Wenfengta Superior Soy Sauce won prize in provincial similar products competition in 1981 and was named as Quality Product twice by the Commerce Department in 1982 and 1985.

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