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2012/8/6 11:34:01 点击数: 【字体:


Weihui Bigan's Fiesta
    Weihui is a famous historic city, where burns the highest official Bigan in Shang Dynasty. Bigan Temple is a typical building uniting temple and tomb together in China. The country's God, Bigan is loyal, upright and noble personage known for almost every person in China. He is the first patriotic and loyal official written in historic documents. After the Emperor Taizong feted him with the most solemn ceremony and set fixed rules, Bigan's Fiesta develops into a folk traditional custom gradually with a good reputation all around the world. 
    In these hundreds of years, not only local people but all Chinese regard him as a loyal official as well as the representative of Chinese spirit. This spirit arouses a series of folk customs and ceremonies. Bigan's Fiesta is actually a cultural sediment in relief, which possesses profound historic and academic values on researching Chinese national characteristics. Bigan's Fiesta has also been listed into Henan Intangible Cultural Heritage Record.  

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