成品嫩黄,油然透亮,香脆酥焦,风味独奇。老人食之不硌牙,哺喂幼婴可代乳,病人吃了生津开胃。这种麻花,能久放而其质地不变,盛于塑料袋,能放半月仍然酥脆如故。即使浸泡在开水里十几分钟,其焦香不减,依如新出。 鸡爪麻花的来历据传有王姓者祖辈以此为业。清世宗雍正(1723)年间,安平集人刘慎,官任监察御使刑部左侍郎,曾以此品进贡。传至王安平一辈时,因自己年迈乏嗣无后,方传此技于好友周大江。至今,周家已传四代,历100余年。鸡爪麻花,折下一股用火点着,可以当纸枚点火吸烟。一股一股相接点着,一个鸡爪麻花可照明走一里远。 昔时,安平集归属鹿邑县,现在属于柘城县。地处柘(城)、淮(阳)、鹿(邑)、太(康)交通必经之路,是豫皖苏鲁晋客商聚集的大集,经此者,纷纷买食,以享鸡爪麻花奇特风味。
传至王安平一辈时,王家没有子嗣。王家一女,自小指腹为婚嫁与周家。但周家那位公子因意外夭折。王家女子按照当时风俗,在其16岁时仍然“嫁”到了周家,并守寡一生,从而立下贞节牌。王家女子“嫁”到周家后,因为王家烹炸鸡爪麻花的技艺没有男子可传,就把技艺传给了那位女子。那位女子就在周家把鸡爪麻花进一步发扬光大。安平集地处柘城、淮阳、鹿邑、太康4县交界处,是商贾云集之地。清朝时,过往商家,凡到安平集,必买周家媳妇烹炸的鸡爪麻花。从那以后,正宗的王家鸡爪麻花就成了周家鸡爪麻花。周家鸡爪麻花从周大江传起,至今在周家已传100多年。 据传,周家鸡爪麻花成品嫩黄、油光透亮、香脆酥焦、风味独特。在塑料袋中存放半月仍然酥脆如故;将麻花浸泡在开水里,十几分钟仍香酥不减,好像刚炸出来的一样;折下一股麻花可当纸煤儿点火吸烟,如一股接一股地续着点燃,一根鸡爪麻花可照明走一里路。有俗语形容周家鸡爪麻花:“小儿吃它可代乳,老婆吃它不硌牙。
Chicken-toe Fried Dough Twist
A specialty in Anping Town, Chicken-toe Fried Dough Twist, earns this name for its chicken-toe-liked shape. It has characteristics of crisp, fragrant but not greasy, being kept for a long time without getting rotten, etc. It is a famous snack in the east of Henan and has been awarded Local Flavor Snack in 1990.
The finished fried dough twists are bright yellow, transparent, crisp; not too hard for the old, able to be regarded as milk for baby, stimulating appetite for the sick. They can keep crisp putting for half a month in plastic bags for half a month or even soaked in water for over ten minutes, besides, they can make fire to get light with one fried dough twist can light for a mile meters. It’s said that in Yongzheng period of Qing Dynasty, an official Liu Shen in Anping ever paid this food as a tribute to the Emperor, when the Emperor praised it highly so that it became a tribute from then on. When it was handed down to Wang Anping, he passed this skill to his son-in-law, Zhou Dajiang, for he had no son to inherit this skill. Till now, it has been passed for 4 generations experiencing over 100 years. In ancient times, Anping was a transportation junction and a marketing center so that many people bought this kind of fried dough twist to enjoy its particular flavor, which was helpful for its spreading.