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2012年08月02日 点击数: 【字体:


    糁(shēn)汤,在河南风味小吃中,算得上是很有特色的名汤了。 糁汤主要以肥牛羊肉、母鸡肉为原料,配以大麦麦仁、大料、葱、姜、辣椒、胡椒、味精、食盐熬制而成。
    其制作方法是:头一天晚上将白条鸡、牛羊肉洗净,滤去血水,放入套在锅上的木筒内,再将水烧开,然后放入大麦麦仁、葱、姜、大料(包括花椒、元茴、丁香、草果、草蔻、三代、桂皮、良姜等,装入袋内)、辣椒(另装入袋内),煮4小时后,改文火再煮1-2小时,焖紧盖严,不能跑气。    第二天早上再将煮好的汤锅烧开,兑入适量开水及芡汁,滚锅后放味精、胡椒即成。食用时,用长把勺盛入碗内,淋上香油,汤面上撒一把韭黄或蒜苗花。

 Xiayi Meet Porridge
    Meet Porridge is a unique flavor snack in Henan Province, which is decocted by main materials of fat beef and mutton slices and male chicken and other condiments like aniseed, shallot, ginger, hot pepper, gourmet powder and salt.
    It can be made as following: first, in the evening wash chicken, beef and mutton, eliminate their blood and stew them with other condiments for 4 hours with strong fire, then change into soft fire for 1 to 2 hours. At next morning, boil them again with gourmet powder and black pepper then we can get finished product. When we eat, we had better drop into some sesame oil and scatter a few hotbed chives or garlic bolt on the soup to make sure its fresh and delicious flavor.
    This kind of soup is stewed again and again so that it has characteristics of not smelly, palatable, having meet smell while cannot be seen, having original soup and tempting. Since this soup is made by several kinds of meet and many condiments, it contains high quantity of heat and various flavors. Thus it is well welcomed especially in winter.

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