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2012/5/16 15:40:15 点击数: 【字体:


Bronze Acupuncture Status 

    Acupuncture and moxibustion stems from Chunqiu and Zhanguo Era. There were only simple word descriptions and pictures and many of them were often wrong. In Tiansheng's fifth year of Northern Song, a medical official in the Imperial Palace, Wang Weiyi, studied trial and error and designed-created two bronze acupuncture statuses, which combined the essence of acupuncture, foundry and sculptures together and was the earliest examples in China as well as in the World. 
    Bronze acupuncture status is a naked male figure with 162 cm height and 354 pinhole acupuncture holes, vividly and ingeniously. There are wood skeleton in his arms and eggs, wood internal organs in his stomach, which can be broken up and united together as well. After waxed, dressed and put into water, they can be used as models to teach and have tests. These are the most early medical teaching models and human anatomy models, and are also set an important position in foundry art history. Every imperial court after Song Dynasty regarded them as national treasure and called them Tiansheng Bronzed Status. These two statuses were exhibited in Kaifeng for 100 years until the ruin of Song Court. Later, one of them was lost at the end of Ming Dynasty, another wandered to Japan and nowadays is stored in Tokyo National Museum.


著名人物 王惟一


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