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2012/8/6 14:44:59 点击数: 【字体:


  The Legend of Han Xiangzi

    Han Xiangzi, also called Qingfu, is the nephew of the very famous poet and official Han Yv. It's said that he is one of the eight Taoism Gods, and he is the younger one with a purple-gold bamboo flute in hand. In folk tale, Han is a young man good at playing flute. According to the document, the original name of Han Xiangzi was Han Xiang, who had ever earned high marks in national oriented exam and been a national official in Tang Dynasty. Official historic documents doesn't record that he has ever cultivated himself according to Taoism and become a God. However, in other works, there are some records saying that Han Yv had a nephew who cultivated and became a God. Following people combine these two stories together and became the legend of Hang Xiangzi. 
     It's said that Han was born with immortal bones and was sick of the extravagance and dissipated things. He had ever met with two Taoist priests, Lv Dongbin and Zhong Hanli, and learned Taoism doctrines from them. Later, once he fell off from a peach tree when he tried to pick peachs and died and then he became a God. After his becoming God, he tried to cross over his uncle, Han Yv with three famous experiences: help pray for rain snow when the country was extremely dry with his magic arts; create new things with little foundation; predict his uncle's future with two poems written on flower petals. Then, he also crossed over Han Yv several times and he finally became a God, too.   
著名人物 韩湘


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