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2012/6/8 10:08:56 点击数:203 【字体:


    潢川挂面有近千年的历史,生产精制的筒装贡面已有七百年左右,因此制作场坊遍及城乡,所产之面,畅销省内外。解放后,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,贡面生产蓬勃发展,而且质量越来越好。现在的潢川贡面,条细如丝,中空如管,半斤一筒,色洁如银,包装美观,携带方便,宜于保藏,便于食用。下锅就熟,久不粘汤。清水下,爽利可口;兑汤下,香甜味美。营养价值高。且易于消化。所产数万斤,尚供不应求。 潢川贡面已收入《中国名食录》。

Huangchuan Tribute Noodles

    Huangchuan Tribute Noodles, also called Guangzhou Tribute Noodle, which are made by oil, water and flavor and goes through tens of processes like stirring, rubbing, fermenting, steeling wire rod, grounding, dragging, drying in the sun, cutting off, etc.
    According to the document Guangzhou Record, Huangchuan had began to make fine dried noodles in as early as Tang Dynasty. Later, it was called Guangzhou Tribute Noodles for people’s praise to it: it’s sold all around our country and is the winner of all kinds of food. It’s said that in Song Dynasty, the official of Guangzhou asked to cut off its head and end, leave its middle parts and cut them into the ones with the length of about 20 centimeters. He covered each one fourth kilo into cylindric with red and green paper in order to tribute them to the Emperor. The King gave them a very high praise after his eating. From then on, the purified barrel packaging noodles in Guangzhou enjoyed its reputation as Tribute Noodles.
    Huangchuan Tribute Noodles have a history of nearly one thousand years and about 700 years for purified barrel packaging noodles so that the workshops spread in urban and rural areas and the noodles are sold all around the province. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, especially after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee, the producing of this kind of noodles booms and the quality is becoming better and better. Nowadays, the Huangchuan tribute noodle is as slender as a shred, which has a silver color and fine packaging. They are convenient to carry, keep and eat. Cooked in pure water, they are fresh and cool, while in thick soup, they are fragrant and delicious. They are digested easily and high nutritious. Nowadays, they can’t satisfy consumer’s demand even though the yield has reached to thousands of kilo. Huangchuan Tribute Noodles have also been listed in the book Chinese Famous Food Record.
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