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2012年08月02日 点击数:189 【字体:



 Shangcheng De-brand Bean Vermicelli

    De-brand Bean Vermicelli, also called soup vermicelli or board vermicelli, is a special edible bean vermicelli. It was produced firstly in Ming Dynasty and there were as many as 300 workshops making this bean vermicelli at the end of Qing Dynasty.
    De-brand Bean Vermicelli chooses high-quality beans as main material, is washed with pure and cool spring water. It has elaborate making processing and exquisite technique so that finished products are well arranged and have beautiful and elegant appearance. It has characteristics of as white as jade, slim and bright, elastic, not broken when boiled for a long time as well as can be used in many ways.  After soaked into soft in warm water, it can be stirred coldly, fried, stewed with meet, made dumplings and croquettes. No matter in what way, it is always taste smooth and delicious. Thus it is a very good choice for meals. Furthermore, this bean vermicelli has fine packaging: press ordered 2.5 kilo into a vermicelli lump which is smooth but well arranged, bind with black silk and then decorated it with pink De brand. This packaging not only looks beautiful but is convenient to carry. Thus it earns a high reputation and is sold to as far as Guangdong, Guangxi, Aomen, Xianggang and countries in Southeast Asia.  
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