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2012年06月08日 点击数: 【字体:




Dried Bean Curd with Duck-egg Flavor

    Dried Bean Curd with Duck-egg Flavor in Suxianshi is a traditional specialty, which was created by Yi Jikui, who lived in Suxianshi, in the Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty. This dish chooses bean curd as material and roasts it with charcoal fire after putting them into special soup which has a long history to make sure its original flavor and smelling. The finished product has a color of light green or light yellow and a smell of smelly duck’s eggs. But the smell isn’t too pungent and has a delicious tasty so that it has a high yield in the market.
    In 1942, when Japanese troops infringe upon our country, the second generation of Yi family ran away with nothing but a jar of pot-stewed soup. From then on, the soup has been handed down one by one without changed and till now it has more than 170 years. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, dried bean curd with duck-egg flavor in Suxianshi begins its exclusive dealing by the Yi family. Nowadays, even though there are many other companies producing this kind of dried bean curd, Yi family is also the best one.


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