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2012/5/17 16:01:03 点击数: 【字体:


    目前高台已经很少活动了,这是由于由于高台制作难度大,涉及人数多,一般一桌需要至少 20人,一次最少4 桌,演出活动共需 100人左右,一次经费投入较大,鉴于此种原因,高台活动已越来越少,并且高台设计要求高,需要具有一定艺术素养的继承人,技术难度大,设计、技术的掌握者多为上了年纪的老人。 

Dinghe High-plat 

    Dinghe town, where Dinghe High-plat is historic, in Xixia County is locater in the west of Henan. Dinghe High-plat (a performance category) origins from the beginning of Ming Dynasty and prevails in Qing Dynasty. It was preserved as a folk culture containing thick local flavor in the Republic of China. 
    In the terms of its origin, it's said that long time ago Nezha was ordered to fire Dinghe, while he saved people there instead of burning them. In order to thank him, local people made firework display and played high-plat program in every 23 of the first lunar month and continued this custom till now. 
    High-plat art is an overhead stage uniting drama, story, sculpture, painting, iron-wood technology and decoration technology together. Its skeleton is made up of table frame, gavelock and sit fork. Besides, use materials like wood, grass, mud, rope, etc, and experience painted, sculpted and other making processes, put 4 or 5 year-old children on plat and accompany with colorful flags, drum music and yangko dance which make the whole play is so spectacular. 
     High-plat includes an important research value for anthropology and folklore. However, nowadays high-plat plays less and less for its difficulty to make and large demand for people.  

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