一提起开封的五香兔肉,许多外地人都会赞不绝口。五香兔肉,工艺独特,卤制精良。一般选用 1.5公斤以上的野兔制作。先将野兔开膛,剥以去内脏,风干七天以后,入冷水浸泡,然后剁成块,用开水氽后洗净,分层次摆入锅内。摆放时在中间留一圆洞,再把花椒、大茴、小茴、砂仁、苹果、豆蔻、丁香、冰糖、面酱、白糖等辅料按比例配好,放入圆洞中兑入老汤,用武火烧煮一小时后,再用文火煮一小时,凉后捞出即成。成品香味扑鼻,无草腥味,咸香发脆留味绵长。
Kaifeng Spiced Rabbit
Many people give high praise to the Kaifeng spiced rabbit. Kaifeng spiced rabbit has a unique making skill and high-quality materials. Generally, it chooses hares of over 1.5 kilo. Get out of their internal organs, dry them in the shadow, steep them in cold water, cut them into lumps, wash them in hot water and then lay the lumps in the pan layeredly with a hole in the middle; put pepper, fennel, fructus amomi, apple, cardamun, clove, rock candy, sauce and sugar into the hole in accordance with the proportion. Heat the mixture with big fire for one hour and then with soft fire for one hour the same. When they are ripe and cool, the spiced rabbits have finished. The finished products are all fragrant, crisp, and have a lasting smell.