绵枣,俗名地枣、粘枣,属百合科多年生草木。地下球形鳞茎,叶狭线形,秋季开淡紫红色小花。大部分山坡 均有生长,球形鳞茎可食,每年3至5月采挖。为多年生草本,地下有磷茎、叶片线性、从生于地面,象韭菜。7—8月间叶丛中生出直立的花梗,花梗顶端开出粉红色小花。每年4月,绵枣发芽长叶后,农民遍山找寻,将磷茎挖出,洗净泥土,经过多次蒸煮,糖液自出,甜味沁人心脾,如加点红糖,则更甜美。绵枣属热性补品,营养价值高,其性粘,味甜美,老少皆宜,绵枣风味独特,能补养身体,久储不坏,有健身防病功能 。
Xinzheng Chinese Squill
Chinese Squill, also called Sticky Jujube, belongs to liliaceae and perennial grass. It has underground spherical bulbs, linear leaves, light aubergine small flowers and Chinese chives-liked appearance. This plant grows in most slopes and is harvest in March to May every year. Chinese Squill is a hot tonic, containing plentiful nutrition, whose unique and delicious flavor determines it to be suitable for people of all ages. Besides, it's storable without getting rotten easily and can used to strengthen physiques and prevent diseases.