大枣是灵宝的特产之一,早在唐代已有栽植。1914年曾作为河南省名产在巴拿马国际博览会上展出。1998年,全市大枣栽植面积4.5万亩,年产量达 500万公斤。灵宝大枣品质极佳,具有色艳果大,肉厚核小,味鲜香甜的优良特性。鲜果果实大,多为短贺筒形,最大的个重30克左右,平均个重18-20 克,制成干枣后富有弹性,适于长途运输。灵宝大枣含有大量的维生素C,营养价值很高;其味甘性温,益肝补脾,具有较高的药用价值。鲁迅先生曾称赞说:“红枣极佳,为南中所无法购得”。著名翻译农曹靖华亦写诗赞道:“顽猴探闪树枝间,蟠桃哪有灵枣鲜”。
Lingbao Chinese Dates
Lingbao Chinese dates is one of the famous three treasures in Lingbao City which has been planted for more than 400 years. They are intensively produced in sandy regions along the Yellow River. Lingbao Chinese Dates are round-jujubes-based. Fresh picked fruits are big, succulent, sweet and have dark red color, thick sarcocard, small pericarp and sour taste. Processed dried ones are elastic and can recover to original shape after pressed so that they are convenient for long-distance transport and enjoys a higher fame. All different breeds contain rich nutrition.