广洋大枣其果呈长圆形,果肉较厚,汁多酥脆,核小,皮薄,色鲜,久煮不烂,压扁后短时间内能复原,摇动作响,所以又叫“广洋圆铃”。广洋大枣果纵径3.7 —4厘米,横径2.7—3厘米,鲜果最大单果达26—75克。据《伤寒论》记载,广洋大枣有丰富的营养价值和药用价值。因此,广洋大枣为镇平三大宝之一(丝绸、玉器、广洋枣),也是我国的名产。
Guangyang Chinese Dates
Guangyang Chinese Dates have a long ciltivating history which have been recorded in Qimin Yao Shu written more than 1400 years ago.
Guangyang Chinese dates have long-circle shapes, thick pulp, succulency, small kernals, bright color, thin peels and features of not getting rotten after stewed for a long time and recover original shapes after pressed for a short time. These dates are voiced if shaken so that they are alco called Guangyang Round Bells. According to the medical classicTreatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases, Guangyang Chinese dates contain plentiful nourishing and medicinal values. These dates include 2 major varieties and 9 breeds. They are financial resources for local villagers. Thus, it is one of the three treasures in Zhenping County as well as a famous product in China.