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2012/6/8 9:29:15 点击数: 【字体:




 Fried Dough Twist with Eight Strands

    Fried Dough Twist with Eight Strands, which has a history of more than 100 years, is a traditional specialty in Ruyang. In the very beginning it was made by the family of Zhang Laosan in the west street in Shangdian. Then it was spread in the town and developed into specialized massive producing.
    Fried dough twist depends on flour and other condiments, such as salt. It is fried into slime strips, which have eight small strips united with each other. Fried dough twist is fragrant and crisp, and has the quality of avoiding getting bad. The local residents always regard it as a good gift for friends and patients. Furthermore, it is also a food always prepared by pregnant women. It is so much popular with consumers that it has been sold to many places like Luoyang, Linru, Songxian, Luanchuang, Lushan County, etc.


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