内黄红枣栽种历史悠久,早在 1500 多年前便有大面积的枣林。 1987 年农枣间作面积达 18333hm2, 有枣树 450 万棵,年产鲜枣 30000t, 在全国县级产量中占第一位。
内黄红枣品种较多,现有 51 个品种,其中以扁核酸为大宗,占枣树株数的 90% 以上。扁核酸抗旱耐涝,抗高温耐瘠薄,沙丘上的枣树也能丰产,是良好的防风固沙的树种。扁核酸果实中大,呈圆筒形,9 月下旬成熟,果皮色红,肉绿白色。核较大,扁平,味略酸,故称“扁核酸 ”。干果约 180 个 1kg 。鲜果酥脆多汁,酸甜可口;干果味香甜,有弹性,耐贮运。
内黄红枣不但是一种营养丰富的果品,而且还有很多的药用价值。中医理论认为,红枣味甘性平、健胃养脾、补血壮神、安中益气,是清润滋补的佳品。枣花还是很好的蜜源,每年枣花盛开季节,全国各地蜂群云集内黄达万群以上,年产枣花蜜 500t, 除国内销售外,还远销美国、日本等。现在每年生产的干枣除直接销往国内各地和香港、日本、东南亚各国和地区外,还进一步进行深加工。内黄县的“春夏枣茶” 饮料现已走俏省内外,成为市场的抢手货。
Neihuang Red Dates
Neihuang began to cultivate jujube trees from more than 1500 years ago. Nowadays, there are 51 unique varieties, among which flat nuclear zizyphus jujube is the most popular and common one.
Neihuang red dates not only are nutritious fruits, but also contain rich material values. In opinions of traditional Chinese medical science, red dates have medical functions and are good choices to nourish bodies. Furthermore, jujube flowers are good nectar source. At present, dried red dates are sold directly to national places or other regions like Hong Kong, Japan and Southeast Asia as well as deeply processed. Its soft drink Spring and Summer Jujube-tea has been a best-selling goods.