张良姜以“色泽深黄,辛辣芳香,气浓味长,质实丝多,百煮不烂,久贮不腐”而著称,有“姜中之王”的美称。张良姜富含糖类、蛋白质、脂肪、纤维素 、姜辣素、姜油酮、姜烯酚、姜醇,多种维生素和无机盐等成分,其中蛋白质、糖类、粗纤维素和抗癌矿物质元素硒的含量较高。经农业部果品及苗木质量监督检验测试中心(郑州)测试,蛋白质的实际含量≥1.62g/100g,高出普通生姜0.22g,粗纤维素的实际含量≥1.2%,高出普通生姜的0.2%,可溶性总糖≥1.80%,矿物质微量元素硒含量达0.0072mg/kg。
张良姜有其独特的药用价值,能增强和加速血液循环,有抗衰老、护心脏、预防癌症、心脏血管病等效果。常吃张良姜能养容颜、去臭气、通神明等。 张良姜具有较强的芳香辛辣气味,除腥、去臊、去臭的作用明显,同时,它还能加工成姜汁、姜油、姜酒等多种食品,用途广泛。(河南省鲁山县张良姜研究所)
Zhangliang Ginger
Zhangliang Ginger is produced in Zhangliang Town in Lushan County, which has been cultivated for more than 200 years. It was ever listed as a tribute in Han Dynasty. This ginger is famous for its characteristics of deep yellow color, fragrant and lasting smell and not easy to getting tender and rotten qualities, which also earn it a praised name of the King of Gingers. It contains much nutrition like sugar, protein, cellulose, various vitamins, etc.
Zhangliang Ginger has special medicinal values of keeping beauty, relieving bad smell and so on. At the same time, it can also be processed into ginger juice, oil, wine and other kinds of food.