竹笋,是竹的幼芽,也称为笋。竹为多年生常绿草本植物,食用部分为初生、嫩肥、短壮的芽或鞭。竹原产中国,类型众多,适应性强,分布极广。全世界共计有 30个属550种,盛产于热带、亚热带和温带地区。中国是世界上产竹最多的国家之一,共有22个属、200多种,分布全国各地,以珠江流域和长江流域最多,秦岭以北雨量少、气温低,仅有少数矮小竹类生长。
竹笋,在我国自古被当作“菜中珍品”,在营养上,过去有不少人认为,竹笋味道虽然鲜美,但是没有什么营养,有的甚至认为“吃一餐笋要刮三天油”。这种认识是不准确的。 竹笋含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、糖类、钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素B1、B2、C。每100g鲜竹笋含干物质9.79g、蛋白质3.28g、碳水化合物4.47g、纤维素0.9g、脂肪0.13g、钙22mg、磷56mg、铁0.1mg,多种维生素和胡萝卜素含量比大白菜含量高一倍多;而且竹笋的蛋白质比较优越,人体必需的赖氨酸、色氨酸、苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸,以及在蛋白质代谢过程中占有重要地位的谷氨酸和有维持蛋白质构型作用的胱氨酸,都有一定的含量,为优良的保健蔬菜。
Bamboo Shoots
Bamboo shoots are buds of bamboos which are perennial evergreen herbs and whose edible parts are newborn and tender mud. Bamboo has a large amount of varieties, strong adaptability and wide spread. China is one of the countries owning the most bamboos, most of which spread in Pearl River Valley and Yangtze River basin.
Bamboo shoot is regarded as Treasure in Dishes from ancient time. It contains nutrition like protein, amino acid, fat, sugar, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, C, etc, so that it is a good healthy vegetable. In the view of traditional Chinese medical science, bamboo shoots have curative effects of clearing heat, eliminating phlegm, tonifying Qi, warming stomach, dispelling drinking and urine, removing diaphragm, preventing colon cancer and so on. Furthermore, bamboo shoots contain little fat and amylum so that it is a good choice for the fat to lose weight.