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2012/5/16 9:29:47 点击数: 【字体:



 Longquan Sweet Olives

    Anyang sweet olive is produced in Longquan, Anyang city, which is the hometown of flowers. Longquan village has fertile land along the Jinxian River which is suitable for planting flowers. 1800 years ago, in as early as Wei and Jin Era, this place began to plant flowers and trees.
    Sweet olives in Longquan are the best in China, whose characteristics are small and sharp leaves, short branches, thick leaves, plentiful and big flowers, fragrant smell as well as uneasily withered in cold weather. They can be divided into four kinds: gold osmanthus, silver osmanthus, laurel osmanthus, orange osmanthus. Sweet olive tree is grafted from holly and Liufang. A whole house will be filled with fragrant smell if put an Angui tree in it. It's said that in Qianlong's 44th year of Qing Dynasty, a gardener Zhao Rizhen came from Longquan to the capital, where he was called into the Imperial Palace with osmanthus trees. The Emperor was deeply attracted by Osmanthus's charming appearance and fragrant smell and endowed it a name of Angui. From then on, Longquan sweet olives earned a good reputation all around the world.   


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