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2012/8/2 10:25:11 点击数: 【字体:


    清乾隆《鹿邑县志》(解放前,唐桥店属鹿邑县)载:“唐桥店鸭 最佳,以皮腌之,较诸南方高邮所制更为肥美,土人为之唐。其附近村庄,或有仿为者,皆不及。盖由于水土所宜,迁则弗能为良。”光绪《鹿邑县志》又载:“唐桥店鸭卵黄大多脂,以盐渍之,美过南方高邮州所制,土人谓之唐蛋,他村效制不能及也。”相传当年刘秀为王莽所迫,路过此地,吃了火虾鸭蛋,咸感到香浸肺腑,身轻体爽,连声称好,直到他做了皇帝还念念不忘。从此,唐桥火虾鸭蛋遐迩闻名。

Fiery-shrimp Duck Eggs

    Fiery-shrimp Duck Eggs are produced in Tangqiaodian Village in Dancheng Town. According to the Luyi County Record in Qing Dynasty, salted duck eggs in Tangqiaodian is more plump and fragrant than other duck eggs in the south; other kinds of duck eggs can't compete with it. It's said that Liu Xiu had ever eaten this fiery-shrimp duck egg in his escaping way and gave a highly praise even after he became the Emperor. From then on, this duck egg got a higher reputation. 
    Tangqiaodian lays on the meet of Heihe River and Jingou River. In this meet, where grows a particular kind of shrimp in water plants whose head is red and can shine at night so that it is called fiery-shrimp. If ducks eat this kind of shrimps, they will lay big and thin-skin eggs which are in delicious flavor and contain medical effects after salted. People always come to buy these eggs to cure dysentery and stomachache. However, in 1958, because of the change of the river and lack of production for fiery shrimps, famous fiery-shrimp duck eggs are faced with problem of being lost.
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