息半夏是息县独有的优良中药材品种,在二千多年前《礼记、月令篇》曾有关于半夏的药用记载。在《本草纲目》等医学著作中对半夏入药的有关问题作了详细、深刻的阐述。清嘉庆四年,息州志对此已有记载,1979年版《辞海》将半夏列为息县特产。医药、医疗界对息县所产半夏极为推崇,为了将它区别于另外产品,特意在半夏二字 之 前 冠—“息”字,称为“息半夏”,以示对它的青睐。1914年3月,在 旧金山举办万国商品博览会上,息半夏因其个大、粉足、品质优良、疗效显著广受外商欢迎。近年来,随着市场经济的快速发展,息半夏远销日、韩及欧美市场,长期供不应求,国内各大药市常年出现有价无药的局面。息半夏以淮河、闾河沿岸出产的品质为最佳,通过大量临床试验和药理检测,9克息半夏相当于外地半夏15 克药效。多年来,息半夏以质量地道,信誉卓著而驰名中外,在同类药材中被视为珍品。据 《五十二病方》、《局方》、《仁斋直指方》和《金匮要略》等记载,息半夏入药能够治疗咳痰喘急、肺胃虚寒、呕吐眩悸、便秘泄泻、小儿惊风等症,药物实验有镇咳、止吐解毒等功效,外敷可止痛消肿。
Xixian Pinellia Tuber
Xixian Pinellia Tuber is an excellent Chinese herbal medicine variety owned by Xixian County particularly, whose medicinal record has appeared over 2000 years ago and Compendium of Materia Medica and other medical classics make a detailed and profound explanation on it. The best Xixian Pinellia Tubers are produced in the regions along the bank of Huaihe River and Lvhe River. According to medical documents, Xixian Pinellia Tubers can cure cough with sputum, lung and stomach's cold and empty, dizziness, constipation, diarrhoea, children infantile convusions and other diseases. Besides, they have medical functions of relieving cough, stopping vomit, clearing toxin as well as relieving pain and swell in external use. Recently, with the quick development of market economy, they have been sold to Japan, Korea, Europe and America which is always in short supply.