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2012/5/17 16:54:09 点击数: 【字体:

     在上世纪初,刻瓷在中原地区流传甚广,尽管艺术水准参差不齐,但很多民间艺人都掌握着这套瓷上雕刻的本领。 后来,因为战乱,这门技艺逐渐失传。解放后,刻瓷技艺已经鲜有人掌握。虞城县刻瓷艺人申世德等经过多年努力探索,攻克了这一技术难关,使这一历史文化遗产得到再生和发展。

 Carved Porcelain Artistry
    Carved Porcelain artistry, called Peeling Jade in Qin and Han Dynasty, is a traditional folk artistry. From Wei and Jin Era, with the development of porcelain industry, the Emperor, officials and literati are willing to leave their poems and articles on them to keep forever. Thus artists carved poems and articles on them before they satin finished. These were the first carved porcelains. Ding porcelain in Song Dynasty is a representative of this making technology. 
    The real carved porcelains appeared in the beginning of Qing Dynasty. According to historical records, at that time there had been specialized artists to make this carved porcelain. However, they are mainly very simple pictures and had little and monotonous artistic expression. Coming to late Qianlong period, the imperial court established specialized Producing Bureau, which produced carved porcelains only providing for the Imperial Palace. With the advocation of all classes and the development of carved handwriting art at that time, carved porcelain art bloomed into a new porcelain-decorative art really. 
    In the beginning of 20th century, Carved porcelains widely prevail in Central Plain. While, the technology is almost lost because of wars afterwards. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the artist, Shen Shide in Yucheng County takes a little bit of trial and error and finally succeeds to make this technology reborn and develop.

下一条:于学文民间雕塑 上一条:金麦草画
著名人物 申世德


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