为了抢救这一濒临失传的传统文化艺术,使其世代相传,去年以来,渑池县文化部门投入了大量的人力物力,深入其发源地天池镇东天池村,利用农闲时间将年逾 古稀的老民间艺人组织起来,先后利用一个多月时间扎出了一个完整的棚口,并在今年元宵节期间在县城展出,使这项古老的民间艺术重放异彩。
Pengkou, also called Pengmen, is a collection of cloth-weave technology. It has various pictures, bright color as well as particular making processes. 200 years ago, artists in Tianchi County weaved little Pengkou to pray happiness to God in every Lantern Festival. With the time passing by, it developed into big Pengkou, whose shape copied old gate tower which was axial symmetry and had two parts: a main building and two wings wall. Traditional cloth-weave Pengkou is always made up of 13 or 17 windows. The animal and figure pictures appearing on Pengkou are usually colorful, full of variety and lovely. Pitifully, it has failed to be handed down for various reasons.