天麻,稀有名贵中药材。别名赤箭,卢氏民间称“仙人脚”,系兰科寄生草本植物。茎单一,圆柱形,黄褐色,高约30~40厘米。叶退化呈鳞片状。膜质,长 1~2厘米,花淡黄绿色,药用其地下块茎。块茎有扁圆形,干后半透明,淡棕黄色,有皱缩沟纹和由点状班痕组成的横环纹,顶端优红色芽孢(俗称鹦鹉咀),下端有圆脐疤痕。质坚实,不易折断,断面呈角质样。其药永嘉之高,主要含有香英蓝醇、维生素A、甙类及少量生物碱。性温味辛,主要成分为天麻素,有平肝熄风、订丁止茎的功能。可治头晕目眩、痉挛抽搐、语言蹇涩、瘫痪不遂、四肢麻木和风湿腿疼等症。卢氏野生天麻量大质优,主要分布在狮子坪、瓦窑沟、官坡等深山区乡。清末民国器件曾销马山口(内乡)、小禹州(禹州)、北京、天津等第。建国后产量和收购量均居全省首位,常年收购量3000公斤左右,最高年收购 4000余公斤。由于质优药效高,很受南方各省欢迎。1983年广交会、1984年河南百泉和江西省樟树全国医药交流会上,各地指名选购卢氏天麻,价值高于四川、汉中等地的产品。1963年狮子坪药农开始人工试种天麻。全省天麻主要产区还有栾川、西峡等山区。栾川亦有许多农民人工种植天麻,产量举全省之冠,被誉为“天麻之乡”。
Tall Gastrodia Tuber
Tall gastrodia tuber is a rare and precious Chinese herbal crop with other names of rhizoma gastrodiae and immortal's feet. It belongs to orchidaceae and parasitic plant with a single, cylindrical, yellow-brown colored and 30 to 40cm stem. Its leaves degenerate to squama shape and membranous with a length of 1 to 2cm, whose flowers are in light yellow and green color, underground tuber can be used medically. This plant, which has thick natural quality so that it is not easy to break off, contains vitamin A, glycosides and a little alkaloid. Its nature is warm and major element is gastrodin which determine that it has medical functions of calming liver wind, butyl check for stem and can cure diseases of dizziness, spasm, difficult sluggish speech, paralysis, numb limb, rheumatism, etc.
Lu family's wild tall gastrodia tuber is high-quality and in a high yield, which is mainly produced in Shiziping Village, Wayaogou Village, Guanpo Village and other villages in deep mountain regions. Mountain areas in Luanchuan County and Xixia County are also main producing area in Henan Province, among which Luanchuan County is praised as the Hometown of Tall Gastrodia Tuber for its highest yield in our province.