中州名贵中药材。别名九九花、看灯花、款花、虎须,系菊科植物款冬的花蕾。其主要成份含款冬二醇等甾醇类、芸香甙、全丝桃甙、二萜皂甙、鞣质、蜡、挥发油和蒲公英黄质等。味辛性温,有润肺止咳、消痰下气功能。是嵩县地道名贵药材之一。清末车村一行树葛条凹药农赵文彬,将野生冬花移栽成功后,车村的一行树、龙王庙,木植街的蝉堤、简池、石滚平等地,普遍进行人工种植,产品色泽红莹,花蕾充实,气味清香,药味浓,效果好,经临床实验疗效良好,声誉甚佳,获“嵩冬花”之称。建国后由于医药事业发展迅速,冬花种植由南向北扩大。大章乡东沟村正常年景可交售冬花数万公斤,质优量多,成了嵩县冬花的主要产区,群众称为 “冬花之乡”。冬花逐渐成为嵩县农村主要经济收入之厂。
Songxian Flos Farfarae
Songxian Flos Farfarae, with other names of Tiger's Whiskers and Common Coltsfoot, is a rare and precious medical material. It is actually flower of coltsfoot which belongs to compositae. Its nature is warm and pungent and has medical functions of nourishing lungs, relieving a cough, dissolving phlegm. This plant was transplanted successfully at the end of Qing Dynasty. Later it proves very good clinical trial effects so that it earns a goof reputation. After 1949, it is spread from the South to the North, and Donggou Village becomes a major producing area, which is called the hometown of songxian flos farfae. This medical plant has become the main source of economic income for rural places in Songxian Town gradually.