槐路皮亦称槐皮,即槐山羊板皮,昔为汉口路板皮之中坚,称汉口槐皮,板皮其型如蛙,薄厚均匀,略呈蜡黄,油润光亮,毛孔细而匀,折叠无白线,韧性大,强度高,分层多不破裂。理化性能明显优于其它羊皮,是制作高级皮面革和软皮物件的理想原料。早在1861年,槐皮就以其皮质优良而享誉世界。国际市场上高级 “京羊革”、“苯胺革”常取自槐皮。远销英、美、法、德等20多个国家和地区,其价高于其它羊皮40%,走俏国际市场,现仍为河南省土特产出口“拳头”产品,出口量最高年份达60万张,为国家换取了大量外汇。畅销国际市场。
Huai Goats
Huai Goat is a famous local kind of goats, which is named after its producing area----Huaidian village in Shenqiu town. This kind of goats has moderate body, short and tense hair. Their characteristics are that being mature and giving birth in a short time; being good at finding food and climbing; not picky on food; loving dried climate and fighting with others; easy to be feed and raise up. Huai goats' meet contains more lean meet, less fat and mutton dodur, and can be used to cook soup or fried depending on individuals. Dongguan Smoked Mutton made by this meet is a very famous delicacy.