鄢陵腊梅,其名闻天下,不仅因其栽培历史悠久和数量众多,还在于其品种优良与盆景造型绮丽多姿。如现已绝迹的老苏梅,据传是宋代苏轼被贬时送给好友的,鄢陵王主薄的爱物;圣府梅据说是明代山东布政司参议鄢陵人陈澹享从孔府中购来的。其他如金莲花梅、虎蹄梅、夹心腊梅都是腊梅中的珍品。经“控形”、“动刀” 等艺术加工造型的梅花盆景,因其花期提前,虽风雪寒天而花香满树,姿态优雅而芳香秀丽。清代汪为熹盛赞“高仅尺许,老干疏枝,置之书几之旁,雅致韵人”,在1981年广交会上展出的“赤龙独舞”腊梅盆景,曾受到与会者的赞赏。
Yanling Calyx Canthus
Calyx canthus belongs to calycanthaceae. It is praised as one of Three Durable Plants in Winter for its not competing with other flowers and resisting cold.
Yanling calyx canthus, also called yellow plum or fragrant plum, is respected as superior breed for its big flowers, thick waxiness, long flower season and fragrant smell. This plant has a long cultivating time stemming from Tang and Song Dynasty and prevailing in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Yanling earns nice names of Flower Capital and Flower County, where the most famous is Yao Family's Garden. It earns high reputation not only because of its long cultivating period but also for its high quality and wonderful miniascapes.
Yanling calyx canthus has high ornamental as well as practical values, whose root, stem, leaves all can be made into medicine which has medical functions of resolving summer heat, promoting the secretion, relieving a cough, diminishing inflammation, invigorating blood, etc. Besides, its flowers can be made into flower tea as well as essential oil which can cure scalds.