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2012/8/2 9:37:41 点击数: 【字体:



Sheqi Meet Slices of Pork's Feet

    Meet Slices of Pork's Feet is a famous and historic dish in Sheqi. It had been sold to Beijing, Hunan, Guangzhou even when Sheqi was a dock in the past. It is not only regarded as good gifts for relatives and friends, but a superior delicacy in feast. However, with the damage of Sheqi dock and declining of commercial activities, this famous dish almost disappeared until the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
    It we want to make this dish, we should boil port's feet ripe, get rid of bones, cut meet into pieces, stir with five spice powder and salt, package 1.5 to 2 kilo at one time with bare cloth, then press them into lumps and cut them into slices after lumps becomes solid and gets rid of covers. Then we can get finished product. When we eat, we had better stir these meet slices with sauce, vinegar, shallot slices so that it will have more fragrant smell and dainty flavor.

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