沙兰杨是喜光的强阳性树种,适应性强、生长迅速。对土壤水肥要求较高,在土层深厚、肥沃,湿润的条件下最能发挥其速生特性。在适宜条件下,10年生即可成大材。河南洛宁县,9年生高达24米,胸径43厘米。在低温盐碱地、粗沙和干旱瘠薄的地方、则生长不良,土壤轻度盐渍化(含盐量 0.3%)或短期积水的地方,对其生长影响不大,而林地温度过大或地下水位过高。对其生长十分不利,常产生根腐。喜温湿,在高温多雨的气候条件生长良好, 抗寒性差,在绝对最低温度-31.4℃时,常受冻害,抗病虫害能力强于加扬,并有阻挡灰尘,净化大气的作用。用种子或扦插繁殖。
Luoning Sacrau Poplar
Luoning Town owns the praise of the hometown of sacrau poplar for along time. Sacrau poplar is a tree breed which likes sunshine, has stronger adaptability and grows very fast. It can grow into a big tree in 10 years in appropriate conditions. It has a high demand for soil, for example, moderate saline-alkali soil, coarse sandy soil and dry barren land will impede its growing, light salinized soil or wet land have little influence on it, however, excessive humidity land will do a big harm to it. It will grow better in high temperature and rainy weather conditions. Nevertheless, its nature of avoiding cold is bad so that it always suffers disease of cold damage. Besides, it has better quality to resist diseases and insects than Populus canadensis and functions of stop dust and purify air.
This kind of tree gives their birth by seeds or cuttages. It has light yellow and white color, straight veins, smooth structure, long fiber and is easy to be processed, which determine it to be a good choice for making papers and fiber industries. Besides, it has good nature of being painted and spliced so that it's an important material for producing plywood and artificial board industry, its wood can be used to make matchsticks and furniture. It is an important tree species for commercial usage as well as afforestation.