“博爱姜”亦名“清化姜”,也叫“上庄姜”。主要分布于许良、上庄、柏山三个乡。博爱姜 块大、丝细、产量高,而且品质佳、味道鲜、香辣宜口,百煮不烂,抗逆力强,含水量少,易加工贮藏,是同类中的佼佼者,博爱姜有1600多年的栽培历史。博爱姜,除鲜姜出售外,还能加工成多种姜制品,用以入药或作调料、菜食。历史上,人们就制作出“糖晒伏姜”、“糖腌姜片”用来医治胃寒病。“糖晒伏姜”是治疗“老胃寒病”的“灵丹妙药”。其制作简单,价格经济,味道甘辛,民间广为流传。群众用姜和蒜苔捣碎制成的“姜蒜苔酱”, 姜拌韭菜制作的“腌韭花”,都是菜族中的老成员,它们味道格外鲜美,“姜蒜苔”中的蒜苔和“腌韭花”中的韭花都由寒性变温性好食不寒胃。 随着时代的发展,姜的用途越来越广泛,群众用博爱姜制成的品种也越来越多了。用姜和大料花椒、茴香、肉桂制成的“五香粉”, 是汤、菜、包子和饺子馅的上好调料;鲜姜和香油、味精、食盐等制作的“姜渣罐头”,既可增强食欲,又有健胃功能。
Bo'ai Ginger
Bo'ai ginger, with another name of Qinghua Ginger and Shangzhuang Ginger, is mainly cultivated in Xuliang Village, Shangzhuang Village and Boshan Village for over 1600 years. This kind of ginger has big lumps, high yield, good quality, refreshing flavor, strong resilience, low moisture content and is convenient to be processed and not easy to be stewed tender. These characteristics make it a superior in the similar products. Besides sold to other places, fresh gingers are also processed into various ginger products which can be made into medicine or food.