密县寒羊是国内绵羊优质品种之一。其毛在纺织工业史上久负盛誉。据《河南出口商品志》记载:在历史上河南羊毛集散为郑州、淮阳、密县三个地方,所产皮毛驰名国内,远销国外。 密县寒羊具有耐粗饲,易管理,抗病力强,生长发育快,成熟早、繁殖力强,肉用性能好等优点,密县寒羊毛细毛率高达97.21%,净毛率为52.52%。密县寒羊因毛细而洁白,质量居全国第一位。民国期间,就有寒羊毛通过上海、天津等港口远销国外。
近几年来,政府非常重视对密县寒羊的改良和推广工作。1985年1月31日《人民日报》在《密县推广改良羊》的报道中说:"改良前,全县养羊23318 只,年产毛量1.19万公斤,每只平均单产0.51公斤;1983年,全县养羊5.82万只,其中密县改良羊5.57万只,占95.7%,年产毛量31万公斤,每只平均单产5.6公斤,比改良前提高9倍,达到全国先进水平。"羊毛制品出口苏联、日本和英国。
Mixian Han Sheep
Mixian Han Sheep is a high-quality breed in China, whose wool has enjoyed a high reputation for a long time in textile industrial history. Quality of this wool occupies the No.1 position for its thin, white and pure characteristics. According to the document Henan Export Goods Records, wool is mainly produced in Zhengzhou, Huaiyang and Mixian, which are all famous in our country and has sold to other countries in history. This kind of sheep has advantages of not picky on food, easy to be managed, stronger to defend diseases, growing fast, being mature and giving birth in a short time, superior meet quality, etc.