郸城县境属黄淮平原,地处黄河冲积扇南缘。地势平坦,土质粘重,适且多种农作物及林木生长。 本县属暖温带半湿润性季风气候区,气候温和,四季分明,日照充足,雨量充沛,霜期不长。为当地各种生物的繁衍成长,提供了极为良好的条件 。水生植物的吴台莲藕,以节长、粗壮、脆嫩、味甜著称,清代《鹿邑县志》早有记载,是当地土特产之一,每年入冬至初春,内贩外运,不绝于市。
Wutai Lotus Roots
Dancheng County is located in Huanhhuai Plain, which has semi-humid monsoon climate and sticky so that it is suitable for the cultivating of plants. Among various plants, Wutai Lotus Root is a famous one, which enjoys a high reputation for its long knobs, strong bodies, crisp and tender taste and sweet flavor. According to Tangyi County Record in Qing Dynasty, it was a local specialty and in every harvest period it sold very well.