商城茶叶生产在大别山主峰—金刚台(海拔1584米)一带的茶场。茶树多种在海拔600米左右的高山上,气候温和,雨量充沛,云雾缭绕,土质肥沃,是生产高山云雾茶的好地方。1983年,为了提高茶叶质量,增加花色品种,在大别山主峰试制“金刚碧绿”。这种茶外形紧扁、平直,汤色清澈碧绿,茶味馥郁芬芳。该茶是用嫩一芽一叶和二叶作原料,经过摊放、刹青、揉捻、理条、烘焙、拣剔等工艺制成。1985年在继续提高“金刚碧绿”茶质的同时,又从杭州引进炒制 “龙井”技术,试制出大别山龙井。
Shangcheng Tea Leaves
Shangcheng tea leaves enjoys a long history and a high reputation. According to documents, they became in as early as over 1000 years ago. Shangcheng tea leaves are mainly produce in Jingang Plat in Dabie Mountain.Tea trees mostly grow in the altitude of about 600m, where there are moderate climate, enough rain, fertile soils which are appropriate for the growing of cloud and mist tea. In 1983, local people tried to successfully plant Jingang Green Tea Leaves which have oblate and straight leaves, limpid and green tea water as well as aromatic smell.