民权葡萄具有适应性强、耐旱、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱的特性,无论荒山、沙滩、沟岸、庭院均可栽种,尤喜在昼夜温差大的沙质土壤中生长。同其他果树相比,有结果早、产量高、寿命长、投资少、见效快、效益大的优点。头年栽种,第二年挂果,第三年丰产,亩产达1000~2000公斤,高者4000公斤以上,结果年限 50~100年。民权县葡萄种植面积5000多公顷,年产优质鲜葡萄2500多万公斤,已被列为全国优质葡萄商品生产基地县。民权葡萄有30多个品种,其中红玫瑰、白羽、白丰、法国蓝、佳醴酿等优质品种占栽种面积的一半以上。除鲜食外,还可酿造葡萄酒,加工葡萄干、葡萄酱等。葡萄的果肉、根、叶、藤可入药,具有安胎、利尿、消肿等作用。
Minquan Grapes
Minquan Grapes have characteristics of strong adaptability, drought-resist, barren-resist and saline-resist. It especially likes growing in sandy soils and in the temperature of having a big difference between day and night. Completed with other fruit trees, this breed has advantages of bearing fruits earlier; having higher yield, longer lifetime, smaller investment, quicker effect and higher benefits. Minquan grades include more than 30 breeds, whose various fruits can be processed into port wine, raisins and grade sauce besides eaten directly. Furthermore, Grades' sarcocard, roots, leaves and vines can be made into medicines which have functions of miscarriage prevention, diuresis and detumescence. Now, Minquan County has been listed as Chinese high-quality grades producing base.