南召辛夷闻名遐迩 ,据史料记载:元末明初,该县年产辛夷1万多公斤,与山萸肉、冬花并称“南召三大特产”,至今仍有500年以上的辛夷天然植物群落。南召是辛夷最佳适生区域,产品色鲜、质佳,1997年版《国家药典》把南召辛夷列为正品。据河南农大测定,南召辛夷挥发油含量高达4%-5%,高于其它产地的1-2倍,居国内同类产品首位。1991年获南阳仲景杯中药材国际博览会金奖。目前,该县辛夷种植面积已达8万亩、200万株,年产干药50多万公斤,占河南省年产量的 80%、全国年产量的40%,成为全国最大的辛夷生产基地县,被国家林业总局、中国经济林协会命名为“中国辛夷之乡”。南召辛夷花含挥发油3-5%,产量居全国之首。
Nanzhao Lily Magnolia
Nanzhao lily magnolia enjoys a high reputation. According to documents, it had become a specialty together with fructus corni and flos farfarae in the beginning of Ming Dynasty, and till now there are still growing areas which are more than 500 years old. Nanzhao is very appropriate for its growing so that lily magnolia is in bright color and high quality. Nowadays, this town has been the largest lily magnolia producing base in China and is rewarded as the Hometown of Chinese Lily Magnolia. In 1991, it won golden medal in Nanyang international Chinese herbal medicine expo.