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  • 非物质文化遗产-东北庄杂技


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2012/5/28 10:05:21 点击数: 【字体:



    早在元末明初,东北庄就有很多人“干杂技”。清朝中期,东北庄杂技进入全盛时期。清朝末朝著名的是“乔家班”。乔治清与河北吴桥著名的“张家班”班主之女张素真相遇并相爱,后结为秦晋之好。乔氏夫妇汲取两家杂技的精髓,使“乔家班”的名声更响了。“乔家班”吸取了中华武术和民间艺玩之精华,练出了武功、气功、跑马、变戏法和带彩绝技等,遍游中原,颇有影响。 由于名声越来越大,“乔家班”还多次进宫演出。在乔治清的率领下,这一支有50个艺人加盟的杂技团体先后到过日本、印度、俄罗斯、朝鲜等 20多个国家演出。慈禧太后看了“乔家班”的表演后也赞不绝口,并授“乔家班”万寿龙灯两盏,御赐瓷壶一把,以彰其技之优。35集电视连续剧《杂技东北庄》就是以乔家班的人物为依据制作而成,并且在濮阳东北庄实景拍摄。
    1949 年中华人民共和国成立后,东北庄人的杂技热情更高、技艺更精湛了。该村杂技艺人分赴全国各地,成为各省、市的正规杂技团体的骨干力量。解放后,该村的杂技力量成为濮阳市杂技团和河南省杂技技团的主要基础。据统计,东北庄籍的演员,近10年中捧回国家级、世界级的各种杂技奖杯(牌)达37个。近几年来,中央各大媒体甚至外国媒体曾多次到东北庄采访,如奥地利国家电视台。 

  Dongbeizhuang Acrobatics 

    Dongbeizhuang Village in Puyang City, is a national-famous hometown of acrobatics, which was named as Hometown of Acrobatics in China by China Acrobats Association in 2000 and was one of Two Hometown of Acrobatics in south and north with Wuqiao, Hebei province. 
    There had been many people working as acrobats in as early as the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty. In the middle of Qing Dynasty, Dongbeizhuang acrobatics reached its peak. At the end of this dynasty, the most famous one is Qiao Group. Later, the leader of Qiao Group, Qiao Zhiqing married the owner's daughter of another group, Zhang Group. They two combined essence of the two group and made Qiao Group earn a better fame. Besides, Qiao Group creates horse race, perform conjuring tricks and many other acrobatics with absorbing quintessences of Chinese martial art and folk art. Qiao Group has ever played in the Imperial Palace for many times and in over 20 countries. Empress Dowager Cixi gave a very high praise after her appreciation and awarded several luxury things. Besides, the famous TV play series Acrobatics in Dongbeizhuang is made according to Qiao Group and shot in Dongbeizhuang. 
    After the establishment of People's Republic of China, there are more and more people working as acrobats and the playing skills also reach a higher level. Puyang Acrobatics Group and Henan Acrobatics Group choose acrobats mainly in Dongbeizhuang. According to statistics, acrobats in Dongbeizhaung have won as many as 37 national or even international medals in recent 10 years. Furthermore, several major media in China even many foreign media make a report of it many times.  


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