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2012/6/8 10:32:29 点击数: 【字体:




Spiced Chicken Dried Bean Curd

    Spiced Chicken Dried Bean Curd in Runan County is popular with amount of people for its special flavor from its creation 200 years ago. In these 200 years, it has been improved for several times and earns very high quality and flavor.
    The finished dried bean curd is a square lump of about 3.3 cm, which is brown and semitransparent like ambers. After dropped into moderate boiled water, we can cut it into slices or thin silks. Either dressing it with some slices of shallot, garlic and vegetables or frying it with pieces of meet and shallot is delicious and will give people a lasting taste, for which it has been the best choice to eat with wine.
    Spiced chicken dried bean curd chooses high-quality soybeans and chicken soup as the main materials, containing other condiments like peppers, clove, gingers and so on. The making process is very complicated and has very strict demands. First, it should experience these processes: choosing material, soaking, stewing, pressing, etc. Then put the semi-finished product into the soup stewed by chicken soup, soy sauce and small oil mill, together with other condiments and make the mixture soak, simmer or stew, then marinate with several kinds of fire. The following step is sitting and waiting for its being ripe. After it drys in the sun then we can get finished and tasty spiced chicken dried bean curd.  


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