山丹丹,学名斑百合,别名红百合,生活中中经常被称为“山丹丹花”,百合科,多年生草本。地下具卵球形鳞茎,有少数白色肉质鳞片。茎直立,高30─60 厘米,无毛。叶线状至线状披针形,边缘和背面脉上有乳突。无珠芽。花一至数朵,生于茎端和叶腋内,直立,夏初开花;花被片六枚,两轮,披针形或长椭圆形;朱红色或橘红色,内面有紫褐色斑点,开放后开展,但不向外反卷或稍反卷。蒴果椭圆形。
山丹丹花, 又名细叶百合,多年生长的球根花卉,成年种球开花8至12朵,花期为6月中旬到9月中旬,多在黄土高原的阴坡上与杂草伴生。因其花色鲜红、生命力极强受到人们的喜爱。 是百合属中分布最广、纬度偏北的一种。
Szentendre, with the scientific name of spot lily and another name of red lily and Lilium pumilum, belongs to liliaceae and herbaceos perennial. It always grows on mountain slopes wildly. In Henan Province, it mostly spreads in Lushi County. This plant has up-right stem with a height of 30 to 60 cm, bright red or orange colored flowers and no hairs. It contains ornamental values for its beautiful apricot yellow or apricot pink flowers or rare white ones, whose flower season varies from the midmonth of June to the midmonth of September. It is extremely loved by people for its scarlet flowers and tenacious vitality.